Flower Trends Forecast 2019

3 FLOWeR TReNDs FORecAsT sPONsORs Flower Trends Forecast is published by International Floral Distributors, Inc. (IFD) to provide the industry with information on the evolving needs of the customers we serve. Trend research, publications, and videos are made possible by International Floral Distributors and the ProduceMarketing Association with the support of these key sponsors: DesIGN MAsTeR cOLOR TOOL is the color design resource and equips the floral industry with the color sprays and accessory products demanded by creative floral professionals. dmcolor.com INTeRNATIONAL FLORAL DIsTRIBUTORs, IFD is a marketing consortium of 19 flower distributors with 60 locations in the United States providing flowers and supplies to leading floral retailers and event decorators Ifd-inc.org AcceNT DécOR provides beautiful home decor, ceramics, glassware, and accessories for floral arrangements, events, and weddings. accentdecor.com AsOcOLFLORes , The Association of Colombian Flower Exporters, represents and promotes the flower growing industry in Colombia and works to attain comprehensive floriculture development. asocolflores.org cANDLe ARTIsANs , the makers of premier Patrician Brand candles, offers a full line of floral and Event Pack™ candles including tapers, pillars, votives, and floating candles. candleartisans.com BALL sB provides the vegetative material for fresh cut flowers from Ball Horticultural in the highland tropics providing growers with propagated materials of outstanding cut flower varieties. ballsb.com PeTe GARcIA cOMPANY provides an expansive array of floral products under the FloraMart® umbrella, including Plus One, Giftwares, and Berwick Offray lines. floramart.com OAsIs FLORAL cOMPANY is a global manufacturer and marketer of floral foams and accessory products including Oasis, Lomey, Handy, and Floralife brand floral products. oasisfloralproducts.com sYNDIcATe sALes manufactures, distributes, and imports a wide assortment of floral products and accessories including glassware, containers, wire easels, floral foam and accessories. syndicatesales.com PRODUce MARKeTING AssOcIATION, PMA connects the global produce and floral supply chains to make opportunities bigger and problems smaller through industry-driven strategic initiatives. pma.com DUMMeN ORANGe unites the world’s top flower and plant breeders under one distinctive brand making the largest selection of superior flowers and plants on earth. dummenorange.com